
Welcome to Corsair Connections

CORSAIR CONNECTIONS is a contemporary creative writing blog exploring issues of the day with poetry and prose to “connect” with numerous perspective and values.

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Ok, I am nott hypomanic….

I am going right NOW To rent a car… I’m leaving my CORSAIR somewhere in Lincoln and hittin’ I -80 for Milwaukee… as soon as I can… I will be closing on my new CONDO in Lincoln in a few weeks so I can get my stuff shipped to my new address… Whenever I get…


So I can a Prophet… I DIDN’T ask for this crap¡!! I can’t help it Corsair P S. HI PAM !!!!!

Death or go on…

Ready January 12, 2023 CC BLOG called wake up call….. Lol If you were getting a divorce and you were retired… Wouldn’t YOU want to get the Hell outs Dodge too?!?! Why do you think I packed my CORSAIR will all my IMPORTANT BELONGINGS and headed on I -80 and headed WEST?!!!! Corsair

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